We work with


More and more parents are taking a radical decision of walking out of mainstream education system and mainstream work culture. If you are one of them, you can find support here in your journey of self-discovery and self-learning.

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Children and Adolescents

A child has a potential to blossom in all the dimensions, when right conditions forgro wing up and learning prevail. As they grow into adolescence, they explore their world, learning life-skills and confirming their values and beliefs.

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Young adults (18-30 years)

Young adults have gone through the process of schooling and education, experienced our parenting and have decided what their place in this world is. How do they find their rightful place in the world? How do they live life in a meaningful and fulfilling way?

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Parenting is more challenging than ever before owing to the unprecedented pace at which our world is changing. Parents do their best yet find themselves inadequate. How do parents get in touch with their innate instinctive parent, to be able to see the child for who he/she is and thus hold the space for the child to blossom to his/her fullest?

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Teachers play significant role of facilitators and enablers in the child’s life. They are constantly navigating the odds of their personal and professional life while trying to give their best to their students. How does a teacher connect to the educator within in order to connect to his/her students, creating conditions for their growth and development in the best possible way?

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"I think for me the training was enriched by your knowledge and the simplicity by which you were able to share that. I think your experience and expertise of having done a lot of work with children and parents did come through.”Neeti Poorswani, Development Sector Professional, attended the 'Parenting for Happiness: What is Good Enough?' workshop held on November 18th, 2017
“Thanks Vineeta. I didn’t realise just how powerful your workshop is, just a conversation with you made such a difference! It’s led to deep introspection.”Rwituja Gomes Mookherjee, Mental Health Professional, Blogger and Content Writer, attended the 'Parenting for Happiness: What is Good Enough?' workshop held on November 18th, 2017
“Vineeta facilitated an unique process, which was very impactful! …. her session was very personal and has been an eye-opener towards the deeper impacts of our parenting styles! … her ease in facilitating very impactful learning in such a casual way is very inspiring! Thanks a ton for all ur sharing!!”Ashok Subramanian, NLP Trainer, attended the 'Know Yourself, Know Your Child' workshop held on December 18th, 2016
"I had a very thought provoking session with Vineeta. It was such an unhurried conversation moving and weaving in and out as Vineeta gently asked us to clarify, reflect, go deeper and stay with what came up. The results were quite stunning – for me and I believe for others too.”Sonal Kothari, Mental Health Professional, attended the 'Know Yourself, Know Your Child' workshop held on December 18th, 2016

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Beginning of a Journey

Before I became a mother, I had some ideas about children and their education. I  believed  that learning  is  not  confined  to  reading,  writing  and  arithmetic  (or  other  subjects)  which  is  a  very  small  part  of  what  all  we  learn  as  we  live  and  grow.  I believed, learning is inevitable and is inherent part of […]

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