Supporting Unschoolers and Homeschoolers
Connecting to the educator within
The potential to grow into our own uniqueness while staying in harmony with nature is embedded within us
The Reflective Teacher: Case Studies of Action Research
This book consists of teachers’ documentation of their action research, as they take a fresh look at their teaching practices, examine and identify specific problems that they face – and succeed in addressing many of these problems.
Teaching Tales, Learning Trails
This book entails a set of ten stories based largely on events that actually unfolded — ‘fictionalised facts’ followed by rich discussions between various stakeholders of education system as they reflect on the questions raised by these stories.
We work with
More and more parents are taking a radical decision of walking out of mainstream education system and mainstream work culture. If you are one of them, you can find support here in your journey of self-discovery and self-learning.
Learn moreChildren and Adolescents
A child has a potential to blossom in all the dimensions, when right conditions forgro wing up and learning prevail. As they grow into adolescence, they explore their world, learning life-skills and confirming their values and beliefs.
Learn moreYoung adults (18-30 years)
Young adults have gone through the process of schooling and education, experienced our parenting and have decided what their place in this world is. How do they find their rightful place in the world? How do they live life in a meaningful and fulfilling way?
Learn moreParents
Parenting is more challenging than ever before owing to the unprecedented pace at which our world is changing. Parents do their best yet find themselves inadequate. How do parents get in touch with their innate instinctive parent, to be able to see the child for who he/she is and thus hold the space for the child to blossom to his/her fullest?
Learn moreTeachers
Teachers play significant role of facilitators and enablers in the child’s life. They are constantly navigating the odds of their personal and professional life while trying to give their best to their students. How does a teacher connect to the educator within in order to connect to his/her students, creating conditions for their growth and development in the best possible way?
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Beginning of a Journey
Before I became a mother, I had some ideas about children and their education. I believed that learning is not confined to reading, writing and arithmetic (or other subjects) which is a very small part of what all we learn as we live and grow. I believed, learning is inevitable and is inherent part of […]